Saturday, November 8, 2008

Going Raw

For two weeks that is. I'm going back to Oahu for a few weeks and I thought what better time than after the Halloween vegan goodies and year and a half of Obama campaigning to experiment with raw foods? Right? Well it is something I've been meaning to try for quite some time and finally going to give it a shot.

After reading multple un-cook books and wonderful raw sites, I felt somewhat ready to attmpt a raw food "cleanse." Although, with eating nuts, dates, bananas, and some of my other favorite foods, it does not feel like a deprivation exercise.

Day 1: Let me start by admitting my addiction: Nature's Path cereal and soymilk. I'm a huge believer in breakfast (not the kind that involves a skillet) but the bowl. I did not start this raw food adventure off right, I had oatmeal and raisins. I discovered that oats are steamed for freshness and therefore not a raw option.  For lunch I snacked on some nuts and a sun dried fruit leather. Later on I had a zuchinni hummus alongside a salad with cucumbers, carrots, dark romaine and celery.

Day 2: Much better raw day. I finally conquered my fear of "Green Smoothies." I honestly did not taste the spinach and romaine that I blended with water, followed by 1/2 and apple, some celery, a squeeze of lime and dash of stevia. I'm actually a fan :) Late afternoon snack was another pomegranate fruit leather and a different type of nuts. For dinner I had salad, hummus, and some sprouted quinoa. Hunger craving set in later and I blended ashews with agave. Rather tasty and sinful.

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